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27 Oct, 2021

European Elections: #AllFamiliesSpeakOut

2024 European elections

The 2024 European Parliament election is scheduled to be held on 6 to 9 June 2024. This will be the tenth parliamentary election since the first direct elections in 1979.

How to vote

Choose your country of voting and your preferred language to find out how to vote. As an EU citizen, you can vote in your country of origin, from abroad or in the EU country you live in. Please note that registration might be required in order to vote. Click here to find out how to vote and find information in an accessible easy-to-read format, and see more information below about how the EU works and what the EU does for you.

What COFACE Families Europe wants.

In 2019, COFACE Families Europe mobilised voters locally through its member organisations (representing families of all types, without discrimination). We launched a call to the network to vote and speak out in May 2019 using 10 key values as a compass.

Non-discrimination: A Europe recognising all family forms.
Accessibility: A Europe that promotes participation of persons with disabilities and their families in all areas of life.
Child well-being: A Europe which invests in the health and education of children.
Solidarity: A Europe which promotes intergenerational solidarity, with full support and recognition of the role of family carers.
Respect of human rights: A Europe which advances the rights of ALL families and their members.
Equal opportunities: A Europe which believes in equality between women and men, as a cornerstone for achieving reconciliation between family and professional life.
Empowerment: A Europe which gives a voice to ALL families to act as citizens, worker and consumers with strong support for national and European civil society organisation.
Internet for all: A Europe which harnesses the transformative potential of technology.
Social inclusion: A Europe which tackles poverty and social exclusion of families and their members, through access to resources and community-based services.
Sustainability: A Europe which wants to make the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals a reality.


Following the election of the new European Parliament, COFACE Families Europe published a list of key short-term demands (also available in Easy-to-Read language) to be achieved by the new European Commission from 2020-2024, which are to be seen as concrete steps to meet the long-term goals of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

They reflect the needs and challenges of families of today and call for a mix of European actions (policy, law, funding, benchmarking, innovation) to drive real change.

On 15th May 2024, COFACE Families launched its “State Of The European Union for families” assessment of the last 5-year mandate of the von der Leyen Commission and how it contributed to achieving eight specific outcomes for families. We also presented our #ActNow for Families of Today call to action, which comprises 10 specific actions that COFACE believe should be integrated into the EU’s 2024-2029 programme. Also available in Easy-to-read version here.

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State Of The European Union for Families: COFACE assessment of the European Union’s work from 2019-2024

In 2019, COFACE Families Europe mobilised voters locally through its member organisations (representing families of all types, without discrimination). These recommendations are addressed at EU-level policymakers in the European Commission, European Parliament and Council of the EU, from whom we expect joint leadership to ensure tangible results for Europe’s citizens.  It is on this basis that we have assessed the European Union's work from 2019 to 2024, and how it contributes to achieving eight positive outcomes for families of today.

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COFACE has the ambition to shape together a strong social Europe fit for families and foster a European society that is more inclusive, offers equal opportunities and brings everyone forward.
In preparation of the next European elections on 6-9th June 2024, here are ten specific actions we would like to see integrated in the programme of the European Union.

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