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20 Dec, 2018

What the EU does for you

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In this section, we collect links to show what the EU has done for you, your country, region or field of interest.

What has the EU done so far?
What can the Eu do for me?

  • What Europe does for me (in all 24 languages): How does Europe affect our everyday lives? How does it impact our jobs, our families, our health care, our hobbies, our journeys, our security, our consumer choices and our social rights? And how is Europe present in our towns, cities and regions? This is a living website and we will add more material in more EU languages over the coming months.
  • Debunking EU myths (in all 24 languages): Debunk myths of the Frequently Asked Questions put to Parliament’s Spokesperson’s Department. How do Members of European Parliament work, how much are they paid, and what are their expenses? Answers to these and other frequently-asked questions about Parliament’s working methods and running costs are set out in this FAQ section. The sections below contain a wide range of information about the day-to-day running of the Parliament as well as about the elections, the work of MEPs, the setting up of political groups and much more.
  • Your EU Social Rights: Did you know you have rights that protect you at work? Rights that are there to safeguard you when job hunting. Rights that exist throughout your career and family life, whatever your age, gender, disability status, background or sexual orientation.
  • The Geography of the EU Discontent: A series of short papers on regional research and indicators produced by the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy.

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