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28 May, 2024

A week of digital awareness for families with Unaf France

Since 2017, the City of Paris has implemented a digital inclusion strategy with numerous partners, aiming to use digital technology as a lever for social integration. Continuing these efforts, in March 2024, the City of Paris and its partners are offering a week of events across the city dedicated to parents and children of all ages to enjoy digital Life as a family.

COFACE member Unaf participated in the launch of the “My Child and Screens” week at the Paris-Villette theater. This week-long event, dedicated to digital parenting, was organised by the City of Paris in partnership with WeTechCare and numerous institutional and associative partners.

Unaf brought its 20 years of field experience and expertise to this event. The week is part of the “P@rents, Let’s Talk Digital” initiative, led by Unaf in collaboration with the Directorate General for Social Cohesion (DGCS), the National Family Allowance Fund (Cnaf), and supported by the Ministries of Family, Childhood, and Digital Affairs.

Unaf also hosted a stand in collaboration with Udaf de Paris and Caf de Paris, engaging with parents, children, and professionals. It was a great opportunity to showcase their numerous resources such as:

See the full programme in French here.

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