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24 Jun, 2024

COFACE welcomes new members

We are pleased to welcome and introduce COFACE’s newest members joining us from North Macedonia, Georgia, and Malta to contribute to positive outcomes for families in a changing society. 

Youth of Diverse Families (North Macedonia) 

“Youth of Diverse Families,” is a voluntary, non-profit association dedicated to enhancing the capacities and inclusion of young people from socially marginalised groups in public life and youth policies. Youth of Diverse Families advocates for our rights of children and teenagers. You can find out more about their work here. 

Child, Family, Society (Georgia) 

“Child, Family, Society” is an organization dedicated to fostering the personal development of people with disabilities, children, and their family members. Our mission encompasses education, vocational training, employment, creativity, and other social aspects. Additionally, we advocate for their rights to promote independent living and full inclusion for individuals with disabilities, children, and their families. 

Prior to 1995, little was known in Georgia about the problems and needs of people with disabilities and, and, most importantly, the key role of their integration into society. 

In October 1997, the union was officially registered and the first non-governmental organisation “Child, Family, Society” was established in Georgia.

For 21 years, the organization has not changed its field of activity and target group. It continues to work on social integration of children and adolescents with disabilities. 

Find out more about the work of Child, Family, Society here. 

National Parents’ Society for Persons with Disability (Malta): 

The National Parents Society of Persons with Disability (NPSPD) was founded in 1976 and has been a registered Voluntary Organisation (VO) since 2009. It is a leader in bringing forward disability issues to the public domain and engages in discussion with all parties who have at heart the interests of persons with disability. 

Throughout the many years from its inception, NPSPD has always been at the forefront lobbying to safeguard the rights of: 

  • Parents of persons with disability, especially parents whose children cannot represent themselves. 
  • Persons with disabilities themselves, regardless of the impairment families of them. 
  • Our interest is to work in collaboration with anyone who is truly committed to working in the best interest of the person with a disability and their families.  

Find out more about the work of the National Parents’ Society for Persons with Disability here. 

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