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27 May, 2024

Challenges facing girls and women in rural areas 

Several UN entities, civil society organisations, governments, and future generations joined forces at the 68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) to emphasise the importance of gender equality and the rights of women and girls everywhere.  

To share good examples and best practices to address challenges for women of today, the Union of Hungarian Women Association (COFACE member) hosted an official Parallel Event for the CSW68 now as a tradition for the 7th time this year.  The title of the event was: How to create profitable services for gender equality including social protection (e.g. social safety net), access to public services and sustainable infrastructure? 

The aim was to present a range of experiences on the topic of social protection systems including innovation and technological change, highlighting the importance of access to public services and sustainable infrastructure to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women. Also, a review of the cases from EU and non-EU countries took place and best practices were shared. They explored challenges for girls and women in rural areas: lack of rights to own or acquire land, access to control resources, access to finance, poverty, access to education and digital technology. 

Margó Batthyány-Schmit, President of the Union of Hungarian Women Association, shared her experience in social protection programmes, furthermore, she provided some insights into problems women face in agriculture and social status. She also offered NGO partnership in various activities for the future. 

You can watch the full recording of the event here and a summary of the event here. 

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